In This Issue
Congrats to our Excellent Stakeholders!
Upcoming Webinars
Phoenix EV Ride and Drive Event
People in line to sign up for a ride or drive in one of the many EV’s at the event. Thank you Scottsdale EVA for providing the EV’s and coordinating the ride and drives!
Brenna Covert (VSCCC ) and Larz Garcia (VSCCC Board Member) at the VSCCC booth.
Jessica Randon from City of Phoenix Office of Sustainability at her booth. Jessica did an amazing job coordinating this event!
Our EV Ride and Drive was a great success! On September 30th, VSCCC partnered with the City of Phoenix office of Sustainability and Scottsdale Electric Vehicle Association to put on a ride and drive event at N. Phoenix Baptist Church. The event was well attended with over 150 ride and drives and over 25 different EV’s on site. Scottsdale EVA members generously volunteered their time and personal EV’s for this event so that attendees could experience what EV options are on the market right now. The event also had booths with representatives from EV companies such as Lucid, local companies like Legacy EV and Lectric e-bikes, as well as utilities and county departments. We were very excited to see so many people taking an interest in electric vehicles and hope to be able to do more events like this in the future.
Stakeholder Excellence Awards
Bill Kohn from the City of Scottsdale and Don Covert of VSCCC.
Andy Rhea from Southwest Gas.
Anthony Cadorin from the City of Mesa.
We just wanted to congratulate our stakeholders once again for winning the Stakeholder Excellence award at the National Clean Cities Network Stakeholder Summit last month. We were so glad to be able to bring awards back for our members who couldn’t make it to the summit. Thank you to Bill Kohn from the City of Scottsdale, Andy Rhea from Southwest Gas, and Anthony Cadorin from the City of Mesa for your continued support of our coalition and its mission!
Funding Opportunities
Energywerx Voucher Programs
Energywerx Voucher Program Funding
The DOE Voucher Program builds bridges between U.S. entrepreneurs, businesses, technology developers or other relevant partners and third-party voucher providers to advance commercialization and demonstration at scale of innovative energy technologies.
Voucher Opportunity 2- Performance Validation, Modeling, and Certification Support
Due: November 16, 2023
Voucher Opportunity (VO-2) enables evaluation of technology performance under certification-relevant operating conditions, accelerated lifetime testing to test for failure modes, and access to advanced modeling and digitization resources.
DOE has selected and pre-approved a cohort of voucher providers offering a variety of capabilities you might be interested in. For this voucher opportunity, capabilities include:
Performance Validation
Voucher Projects: Expected max voucher worth $250,000 of work. Vouchers will be distributed as in-kind support, meaning that ENERGYWERX will directly reimburse the voucher provider for the work they have completed on behalf of the voucher recipients. Only work related to specific technology areas will be eligible to receive a voucher under this opportunity. List of eligible technology areas:
- With OCED funding:
Advanced nuclear
Carbon management (including carbon capture and direct air capture)
Long-duration energy storage
Clean hydrogen
Industrial decarbonization
Upgrades to the electric grid
- With EERE funding:
Advanced materials and Manufacturing Technologies
Building efficiency
Vehicle technologies
Voucher Opportunity 3- Clean Energy Demonstration Project Siting/Permitting Support
Due: November 16, 2023
Voucher Opportunity (VO-3) enables expert assistance to help AHJs understand new clean energy technology benefits and challenges, evaluate siting and permitting best practices developed by similar jurisdictions, develop streamlined permitting processes, and support community engagement on related issues.
DOE has selected and pre-approved a cohort of voucher providers offering a variety of capabilities you might be interested into. For this voucher opportunity, capabilities include:
Process Improvement
Community Engagement
When you apply, you will review the available capabilities and submit your preferences in the submittable form. If you find something that can be valuable to your company and that can enable your company to accelerate demonstration, commercialization, and deployment of your product, please consider applying to receive that in kind support.
Voucher Projects: Expected max voucher worth $100,000 of work. Vouchers will be distributed as in-kind support, meaning that ENERGYWERX will directly reimburse the voucher provider for the work they have completed on behalf of the voucher recipients. Only work related to specific technology areas will be eligible to receive a voucher under this opportunity. List of eligible technology areas:
- With OCED funding:
Advanced nuclear
Carbon management (including carbon capture and direct air capture)
Long-duration energy storage
Clean hydrogen
Industrial decarbonization
Upgrades to the electric grid
- With EERE funding:
Advanced materials and Manufacturing Technologies
Building efficiency
Vehicle technologies
Energywerx Voucher Program Funding
The Clean Energy to Communities Program offers an Expert Match Program, which provides between 40 and 60 hours of tailored technical assistance to help communities and local leaders address short-term energy challenges. Expert Match is for community stakeholders who have decision-making power or influence in their community but need access to additional clean energy expertise to inform key upcoming decisions. Community stakeholders can represent city, town or local governments, tribal governments, regional planning organizations, community organizations, utilities, and universities among others.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Submit an application HERE.
Communities Leap Program
Due December 14, 2023
The DOE Communities LEAP (Local Energy Action Program) aims to facilitate sustained community-wide economic and environmental benefits primarily through DOE’s clean energy deployment work. This opportunity is specifically open to low-income, energy-burdened communities that are also experiencing either direct environmental justice impacts, or direct economic impacts from a shift away from historical reliance on fossil fuels.
Under Communities LEAP, DOE matches selected communities with technical assistance providers who assist them with bringing their clean energy planning and economic development vision to life. DOE’s Communities LEAP (Local Energy Action Program) application period is now open.
NREL will provide technical assistance to support 24-32 low-income, energy-burdened communities in shaping their community-based clean energy and economic development goals. Interested applicants can review eligibility criteria, read frequently asked questions, and apply through DOE’s Communities LEAP website.
EV Charging Resources and Technical Assistance for Tribal Nations
November 15, 2023, 2-3pm ET
The Joint Office will host a webinar on resources and technical assistance available to Tribal Nations for EV charging infrastructure projects. The webinar will focus on Tribal EV initiatives through the White House Council on Native American Affairs, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Rural EV Toolkit, as well as updates to the Joint Office Tribal Nations Resource and Technical Assistance page specific to Tribes from the Rural EV Toolkit that includes tribal specific EV funding opportunities, resources, and success stories.Visit the webinar page for upcoming webinars and recordings of past webinars.
Sustainable Cities Network- Federal Infrastructure Workgroup Meeting- Climate pollution reduction grant
November 2, 2023 10-11:30 AM MST
As funding becomes available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Federal Infrastructure Workgroup convenes Arizona communities through strategic collaboration to secure federal funding for infrastructure projects related to green infrastructure, electric vehicle charging stations, ecosystem restoration, and more. This workgroup meets once a month to present community updates, discuss best practices for collaboration and grant writing, and to highlight member accomplishments.
EV Charging-The new workplace requirement
November 9, 2023 10:00 PST
EV charging is a must-have for workplaces for a variety of reasons. But how do you get started with an EV charging program at your workplace, and more important, what is the impact in this changing landscape as more people are returning to the office? In this webinar, you’ll hear from workplace EV charging experts at CBRE, CALSTART’s Charge@Work program and ChargePoint on trends as they relate to the impact of EV charging at the workplace. You’ll also discover tools to help assess your own property for workplace EV charging.
In Other News
Check out some of these other news articles and updates from the clean energy field.
2023 NGV America Conference-Speaker Presentations available online
If you missed the recent Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGV) conference you can now view the speaker presentations online at this link.
American Battery Factory bReaks ground in Tuscon
American Battery Factory, a lithium iron phosphate battery manufacturer has broken ground on a two million square foot gigafactory located in Tucson, Arizona. Read the article HERE.