Current Projects
VSCCC is proud to be a part of several alternative fuel and clean energy projects! Take a look at some of the great programs we are participating in right now.
ChargeWest Project
Connecting the Intermountain West through EV Infrastructure
“The ChargeWest™ project is an opportunity to connect Arizona’s rural and tribal communities located outside of major urban areas & cities with its inter-mountain neighboring states with EV infrastructure.
ChargeWest is a collection of Intermountain West states which are committed to improving electric corridors across the western United States; building infrastructure on rural gateway communities, state and national parks, monuments, recreation areas, and scenic by-ways. The states involved are Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Charge West Project Introduced at Sedona EV Ride and Drive Event.
Top: VSCCC Director Don Covert with board member Larz Garcia and Co-Director Brenna Covert. Middle Left: Participants of Community Ride and Drive talk with DEAZ and other vendors. Middle Right: Zach Schwarz from City of Sedona Office of Sustainability poses with city EV. Bottom: Electric Vehicles on display and ready for test drives at Sedona Posse Grounds Park.
Valley of the Sun Clean Cities was thrilled to be able to participate in two EV Ride and Drive events this month in the beautiful city of Sedona. Our friends at Drive Electric Arizona and the City of Sedona’s Sustainability Department worked together to hold these successful EV Ride and Drives. The first event on Dec. 15th was for community members, while the second event on Dec. 16th was specifically for city of Sedona and neighboring municipal employees.
Both events were well attended and featured many types of EV’s on display and available for test drives. There were even Tesla Model Y’s and a Cybertruck that had been specially up-fitted as police vehicles courtesy of the company UPFIT. Police officers from Sedona and nearby cities were able to test drive these up-fitted vehicles during the employee event. The employee ride and drive event also saw participants come from the cities of Flagstaff, Clarkdale, and Cottonwood as well as from Northern Arizona University.
We were happy to man a booth at both of these events and share information on Clean Cities and Communities, EV’s, and alternative fuels with the participants. We were also excited to introduce the ChargeWest Project to the public during the community ride and drive event. The ChargeWest Project is an 8 state collaborative that is committed to improving electric corridors across the western United States, with a focus on scenic byways, rural and gateway communities and routes along national parks. The city of Sedona was a perfect place to introduce this project since it sits along the Red Rock Scenic Byway.
NFPA National ZEV Critical Emergency First Responder Training
This project in partnership with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and multiple other Clean Cities coalitions across the country aims to provide safety training and resources on Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV’s) to first responders and other critical workers. With the increased adoption of electric vehicles and other ZEV’s it is important that first responders are prepared to handle any emergencies involving these types of vehicles. The NFPA will work with coalitions to develop training materials and resources and to hold training sessions in each of the participating coalition’s regions. Our coalition is looking forward to participating in this important project and bringing these safety resources and training opportunities to first responders in Arizona. More info to come.