Our Members and Partners

Learn More About Alternative Fuels and Sustainable Energy from our partners and VSCCC members.

Clean cities and communities

Our coalition is part of the Clean Cities and Communities (CC&C) network. CC&C is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) partnership to advance clean transportation nationwide. More than 75 DOE-designated CC&C coalitions work locally in urban, suburban, and rural communities to strengthen the nation’s environment, energy security, and economic prosperity. As partners with DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO), coalitions deploy affordable, efficient, and clean transportation fuels; energy efficient mobility systems; and other fuel-saving technologies and practices.


The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is a multimodal transportation agency serving Arizona.

ADOT is also working towards reduced emissions with programs like its Electric Vehicle Program and the Alternative Fuel Corridor and National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program.

City of Phoenix

VSCCC is proud to have the City of Phoenix as a member of our coalition. As one of the largest and fastest growing cities in the USA, Phoenix is a great place to live, work and visit. The city is also a leader in alternative fuel use and sustainable practices. The City of Phoenix was awarded the Top Green Fleet of 2023 Award from the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA). The City’s fleet includes vehicles that run on a variety of alternative fuels including CNG, RNG, Biodiesel, Ethanol and Electricity.

Salt river Project (SRP)

Salt River Project (SRP), is a not-for-profit organization that provides water and power services to more than 2 million people in central Arizona.  SRP strives to provide affordable and reliable utility services to its customers. SRP is also providing customers with resources to help them take advantage of new energy technologies such as EV’s. Customers with EV’s can qualify for a home EV charger rebate and take advantage of their Electric Vehicle Time of Use Price Plan.  

Southwest Gas

Southwest Gas provides natural gas services to Arizona, Nevada, and portions of California and serves more than 2 million customers. They have helped fleet customers throughout their service area reduce nearly 59,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by providing over 27 million therms of natural gas to be used as compressed natural gas(CNG) in place of diesel fuel. Southwest Gas Company is also partnering with 5 Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) projects to bring approximately 17.6 million therms of RNG to market each year.

City of Mesa

With a population of over 500,000 people, the City of Mesa is one of the largest cities in the state of Arizona. Mesa is improving air quality by utilizing clean alternative fuels in its fleets. Its solid waste trucks run on natural gas and Mesa Public School District has over 255 propane school busses in its fleet. Adopting alternative fuels is just one of the many techniques being used by the city to ensure a sustainable future for Mesa.

City of Scottsdale

The city of Scottsdale is ranked as one of the most desirable communities to live and work in and is also a popular tourist destination in Arizona. Scottsdale has also been a long time member of Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition and shares our goal of improving air quality through the use of alternative fuels. Over the years the city has worked to reduce emissions and continues to explore sustainable solutions for its fleet and operations. For example, the city uses Compressed Natural Gas in its solid waste trucks and bus trolleys and will soon be using Renewable Natural Gas in these vehicles for even greater carbon reduction.

Evolved EV

VSCCC is very happy to have Evolved EV as a a new member of our coalition! Evolved EV Charging Solutions is an EV charging solution provider based in Tempe, Arizona. As an SRP Electrification Qualified Service Provider (eQSP), they bring excellence to the valley with customized charging solutions tailored to customers needs. With industry relationships and background in EV infrastructures, Evolved specializes in station design, engineering, installation, and service. Evolved is bringing fast, reliable turnkey EV charging solutions to all of its customers including commercial and multi-family properties.

Lancer energy

For over 30 years, the Lancer Energy team has been serving the automotive industry, CNG / RNG industry, emerging Hydrogen industry, EV charging infrastructure, and growing advanced fuels technologies and equipment markets. Lancer's expertise in advanced fueling stations and vehicles provides fleets and advanced fueling operators a turnkey partner for repairs, maintenance, servicing, inspections, safety, and custom CNG, RNG, EV, and Hydrogen solutions.

Maricopa Air Quality

Maricopa County Air Quality Department works to improve air quality of Maricopa County through multiple different incentives and programs. One of these is the Arizona Clean Diesel Program which utilizes the EPA’s DERA (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) to provide grants for the updating or replacing of old diesel vehicles with new cleaner versions.

Drive Electric Arizona (DEAZ)

Drive Electric Arizona is Arizona’s statewide “Drive Electric” program developed under the DRIVE Electric USA Initiative. With grant funding from the Department of Energy, DEAZ accelerates the transition to electric vehicles. The all-volunteer organization and its partners educate and engage with consumers, utilities, utility regulators, fleets, dealers and government officials through outreach such as Ride and Drives and more.

ASU Sustainable cities network

Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition is proud to have ASU’s Sustainable Cities Network as a partner. The ASU Sustainable Cities Network connects ASU’s research and technical capabilities in sustainability with the challenges facing cities, towns, and Tribal communities across Arizona. The network is a way for communities to share knowledge, identify best practices, and coordinate efforts to better understand and solve local issues.

Inter tribal council of arizona

The Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Air Quality Program supports clean air initiatives and provides information and resources to its members, which include 21 of the tribal nations of Arizona.

Arizona public service

Arizona Public Service (APS) provides electricity to 1.3 million customers across Arizona. The utility is committed to providing affordable and reliable energy to its customers while also doing their part to advance the use of clean energy. APS has set a goal of providing 100% clean carbon-free energy to its customers by the year 2050. The company is also helping its customers adopt clean energy by providing resources on EV’s as well as energy efficient upgrades and practices.

Charge West

ChargeWest is a collection of Inter-mountain West states which are committed to improving electric corridors across the western United States by building infrastructure on rural gateway communities, state and national parks, monuments, recreation areas and scenic by-ways. States involved include Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming