February 2025

In This Issue

  • Remembering Bill Sheaffer

  • Upcoming Events

  • Member Spotlight: ADOT

Remembering Bill Sheaffer

VSCCC Founder and Friend

It is with great sadness that we share the passing of our friend and founding director of the Valley of The Sun Clean Cities Coalition, Bill Sheaffer. Bill passed away the morning of February 13 at his home. Bill touched the lives of so many people in his lifetime, and we will always remember his lasting friendship, strong independent personality and his passion and dedication to the advancement of clean fuels.

Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition (VSCCC) owes so much to Bill. He was instrumental in the founding of VSCCC and making it the successful coalition that it is today. Thanks to Bill’s hard work and dedication VSCCC has been advancing the use of clean fuels in Arizona since 2001.

Bill accomplished great things during his time as Executive Director of VSCCC. Some of his many accomplishments include, making sure alternative fuels were included in the Arizona Emergency Management Plan in 2012, and helping Arizona Department of Transportation lay the groundwork for alternative fuel corridor designation along Arizona’s highways and interstates. He also played a large role in the standardization of biofuels in Arizona, which encouraged the adoption and use of biofuels by fleets.

His work with stakeholders and fleets in our region helped Arizona become a leader in alternative fuel use and petroleum fuel displacement. In honor of his work at VSCCC, Bill was inducted into the U.S. Department of Energy Hall of Fame in 2019 and awarded with an Alumni Appreciation award by Arizona State University in 2021.

Even after retiring as executive director, Bill remained a valued consultant and friend to everyone at the coalition. He will be sorely missed, and we will hold him in our hearts as we continue our work at VSCCC, the coalition he founded so many years ago.

Upcoming Events

Drive Electric Earth Month Phoenix EV Ride and Drive – April 19, 2025

The City of Phoenix invites you to the Drive Electric Earth Month (DEEM) Phoenix Electric Vehicle (EV) Ride and Drive on April 19, 2025, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM at South Mountain Community College. This exciting event gives you the opportunity to hang out with EV owners, test drive EVs, learn about their many benefits, and see how these vehicles are shaping a cleaner, more sustainable future. EVs help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money on fuel, and offer a smoother, quieter ride. This event is part of the City’s commitment to reducing GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Register today to drive toward a cleaner, greener Phoenix!

Arizona Electric Fleet Day - March 12, 2025

AZ Electric Fleet Day is proudly hosted by Arizona State University! This event brings together industry leaders, policymakers, fleet managers, and sustainability enthusiasts to explore the transformative potential of electric fleets. With Arizona at the forefront of innovative transportation solutions, this gathering is a unique opportunity to share insights, network, and drive the future of clean energy mobility.

At Arizona State University, sustainability and innovation are core values, making it the perfect venue for this forward-looking event. From discussions on cutting-edge EV technologies to strategies for achieving fleet electrification goals, AZ Electric Fleet Day empowers attendees to lead the charge toward a greener, more efficient future. Join us as we accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation in Arizona and beyond!

Southwest User Summit- March 25-26, 2025

The Advantage One Southwest User Summit is a no-cost event tailored specifically for public sector fleet professionals. This gathering provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to explore the transformative potential of telematics in fleet management. Whether or not you're already a Geotab customer, the summit will showcase the Geotab telematics platform and demonstrate how it integrates with essential business systems to enhance fleet operations.

Key highlights of the event include:

Connected Vehicle Deep Dive: Discover how vehicle & telematics data can revolutionize fleet management with actionable data insights and seamless integration capabilities.

Integration of Essential Business Solutions: Gain insights into the added functionality and efficiency achieved by integrating tools that will compliment what you may already have in place today.

Vehicle Maintenance & Lifecycle: streamline work order management, ensure automated scheduling based on diagnostics, real-time status and vehicle availability updates, reduction in downtime for an optimized preventative maintenance program. Gain further insights with a comprehensive view of vehicle total cost of ownership (TCO) to better budget, extend asset life and improve operational efficiency.

Fleet Sustainability Planning & Programming: Leverage vehicle data and insights to assess strategic procurement of EVs. Learn how our Greenfleet Dashboard can impact sustainability initiatives and assist with effective EV infrastructure planning. Accelerate electrification adoption and usage in both fleet and commuter vehicles with IRS-compliant reimbursement programs and advisory services designed for both financial and carbon savings.

Driver & Vehicle Safety Initiatives & Strategies: Reduce liability, cut accident investigation costs, and protect your drivers with advanced safety programming using dash cams, sensors and other peripherals that provides real-time incident footage for faster claims processing, driver exoneration, and a safer fleet. In the event of an collision, get another layer of visibility through Geotab's Accident Reconstruction tool.

Public Works-Specific Tools: Explore tools and solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of public sector fleets.

Group Discussions and Networking: Share and learn best practices during dedicated group/user discussions and hear directly from customers about their success stories.

The Arizona Department of Transportation is a multimodal transportation agency serving Arizona. ADOT is responsible for planning, building and operating a complex highway system in addition to building and maintaining bridges.

ADOT is also working towards reducing emissions with programs such as its Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan and the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program. The NEVI program provides funding for the deployment of publicly accessible EV chargers nationwide along designated alternative fuel corridors (AFC). Arizona’s designated AFC’s currently include the interstates and several other state highways. Late last year, ADOT announced the first 18 stations that have been conditionally awarded NEVI funds for EV infrastructure installation. Construction at these sites is expected to begin at the end of 2025. Visit ADOT’s website to learn more.

VSCCC strives to provide alternative fuel information to all people within our region. In order to increase our outreach abilities we are working with local agencies to share our newsletter and clean fuel resources with an even greater audience. We are proud to partner with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Air Quality Department, ASU's Sustainable Cities Network and Maricopa County Air Quality Department.


Translations done by Diego Montemayor- Diego@cleanairaz.org


January 2025

In This Issue

  • ADOT Requesting Phase 2 NEVI Proposals

  • Funding Opportunities

  • Webinars

  • Partner Newsletters

ADOT Requests Phase 2 Proposals for NEVI Charging Stations

Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is asking for proposals from entities to design, build and operate EV charging infrastructure along specified state roads as part of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. The NEVI program provides funding for the deployment of publicly accessible EV chargers nationwide along designated alternative fuel corridors (AFC’s).

Arizona has designated all of it’s interstate highways as well as several state roads as AFC’s. This is the second request for proposals from ADOT for the NEVI program and is for charging stations at 32 locations along designated state roads. A detailed map of these locations is included in the Request for Proposals. The first request was sent out last year and resulted in conditional NEVI awards for 18 sites along Arizona’s designated interstates, I-10, I-8, I-40, I-17 and I-19.

All awarded stations will be privately owned and operated, with federal funds covering up to 80% and the private developer covering a minimum of 20% of the eligible project costs. No state funds will be involved in the construction of these stations. 

More about the program can be found on the Arizona Electric Vehicle Program page.

Questions related to the procurement can be sent to:

ADOT is using an online, web-based platform to receive submittals from Proposers. Proposers should submit all questions, notices, Proposals, and other submissions through the Submittal Platform. Responses to questions will also be publicly posted.

To register as an interested Proposer on the Submittal Platform, Proposers must click on the link below and provide the requested information:

Submittal Platform Registration

Proposals due date: April 18, 2025, at 2:00PM MST. 

Funding Opportunities


Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program

Department of Transportation (DOT) offers funding to support transportation project development in rural and tribal communities that may lead to future applications to DOT credit and grant programs. Funding can support legal, technical, and financial advisors to help advance infrastructure projects.

Application Deadline: Application portal opens on 3/4/2025, and closes on 4/3/2025

Community Energy Innovation Prize

The US Department of Energy offers this competition to support grassroots innovation, entrepreneurship, capacity building, and economic development for clean energy programs to support activities that address local challenges for energy efficiency, manufacturing, and transportation.

Application Deadline: 6/20/2025

Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas

The US Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) introduces this new opportunity to provide support for rural and remote communities to build clean energy projects that benefit their communities. This program serves communities of 10,000 people or fewer. For more clean energy funding opportunities at OCED click here.

Concept Paper Due: 2/27/2025

Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development

The Office of Indian Energy is extending the deadline of the Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development – 2025 funding opportunity to Feb. 6, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET.

Through the $25 million funding opportunity announcement, the Office of Indian Energy anticipates making approximately 20–40 awards that range from $100,000 to $2,500,000 for projects that support the planning, assessment, and development of clean energy for Tribal buildings or on Tribal lands.

Download the funding opportunity announcement to apply. Review the webinar for more information.

Application Deadline: Feb. 6, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET.

2025 Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide Funding Opportunity

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the Fiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Program Wide funding program. This funding opportunity will award up to $88 million for projects that will seek innovative transportation solutions for on- and off-road vehicles.Topic areas in the funding opportunity include: 

  • Technologies for Enhanced Lithium-Ion Cell Safety

  • Low-Cost Production of Lithium

  • Lithium-Metal Surface Protection

  • Ultra-Long-Cycle Life Lithium-Ion Batteries for Heavy-Duty Electric Trucks

  • Standardized Battery Module Design for Heavy-Duty Electric Trucks

  • Thermal Technologies for Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs)

  • Optimized Grid Planning for Electric Vehicles (EVs) using Advanced Metering Infrastructure

  • CROP: Co-located Renewable Fuel and Off-road Vehicle Pilots

  • Vehicle Life Cycle Analysis Baseline

  • Quality Improvements of Battery Busbar Joining

  • Electric Vehicle Workforce Development

  • Vehicle Technology Integration Open Topic

Concept Paper Due: April 1, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. ET.



Run on Less – Messy Middle Bootcamp Webinar Series

February 11 – July 15, 2025 at 10 a.m. PT | 1 p.m. ET

Beginning in February, NACFE will conduct a 13-session “Run on Less – Messy Middle Bootcamp” webinar series in coordination with ACT News. Three sessions will focus on diesel and natural gas vehicles, battery electric vehicles and hydrogen, and will feature a unit recap workshop after each set of technology sessions and a close out session at the end that will focus on other fuel-efficiency technologies.
The first Bootcamp session will be held Tuesday, February 11, at 1 pm ET/10am PST and subsequent bootcamp sessions are every other week.

Webinar 1: February 11 | Diesel Drop-In Alternatives

Webinar 2: February 25 | Decarbonizing with Natural Gas

Webinar 3: March 11 | Future Prices & Availability of Existing Infrastructure

Webinar 4: April 8 | The Current State of HD BEV

Webinar 5: April 22 | Strategizing Successful HD BEV Adoption

Webinar 6: May 6 | Charging Depots, Networks, & the Economics of Fleet Electrification

Webinar 7: June 3 | The Production Processes of Hydrogen Fuel

Webinar 8: June 17 | The Distribution and Storage of Hydrogen Fuel

More Newsletters

Check out these newsletters from our partners, and other relevant organizations for more news and useful information.

VSCCC strives to provide alternative fuel information to all people within our region. In order to increase our outreach abilities we are working with local agencies to share our newsletter and clean fuel resources with an even greater audience. We are proud to partner with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Air Quality Department, ASU's Sustainable Cities Network and Maricopa County Air Quality Department.


Translations done by Diego Montemayor- Diego@cleanairaz.org


December 2024

In This Issue

  • Sedona EV Ride and Drive

  • Transportation and Energy News and Resources

  • Funding Opportunities and Webinars

  • Happy Holidays!

Sedona EV Ride and Drive

Top: VSCCC Director Don Covert with board member Larz Garcia and Co-Director Brenna Covert. Middle Left: Participants of Community Ride and Drive talk with DEAZ and other vendors. Middle Right: Zach Schwarz from City of Sedona Office of Sustainability poses with city EV. Bottom: Electric Vehicles on display and ready for test drives at Sedona Posse Grounds Park.

Valley of the Sun Clean Cities was thrilled to be able to participate in two EV Ride and Drive events this month in the beautiful city of Sedona. Our friends at Drive Electric Arizona and the City of Sedona’s Sustainability Department worked together to hold these successful EV Ride and Drives. The first event on Dec. 15th was for community members, while the second event on Dec. 16th was specifically for city of Sedona and neighboring municipal employees.

Both events were well attended and featured many types of EV’s on display and available for test drives. There were even Tesla Model Y’s and a Cybertruck that had been specially up-fitted as police vehicles courtesy of the company UPFIT. Police officers from Sedona and nearby cities were able to test drive these up-fitted vehicles during the employee event. The employee ride and drive event also saw participants come from the cities of Flagstaff, Clarkdale, and Cottonwood as well as from Northern Arizona University.

We were happy to man a booth at both of these events and share information on Clean Cities and Communities, EV’s, and alternative fuels with the participants. We were also excited to introduce the ChargeWest Project to the public during the community ride and drive event. The ChargeWest Project is an 8 state collaborative that is committed to improving electric corridors across the western United States, with a focus on scenic byways, rural and gateway communities and routes along national parks. The city of Sedona was a perfect place to introduce this project since it sits along the Red Rock Scenic Byway.

We just want to thank and congratulate Drive Electric Arizona and the City of Sedona for putting on two great Ride and Drive events! We were so glad our coalition could participate and we look forward to helping with more events like this in the future.

Read more about the Sedona Ride and Drive event here: https://valleyofthesuneva.org/sedona-ride-drive-2024

Transportation and Energy News and Resources

2025 Fuel Economy Guide Now Available

DOE and EPA’s recently released 2025 Fuel Economy Guide provides detailed fuel economy estimates for model year 2025 light-duty vehicles, along with estimated annual fuel costs and other information for prospective car buyers. The 2025 guide is available in electronic format only, which you can download at FuelEconomy.gov.

Today, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published new questions and answers to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program Q&A and announced slight revisions to the Fully Built Out Certification of its NEVI guidance.  

NEVI Formula Program - Fully Built Out Certification Revisions

The Federal Highway Administration has announced slight revisions to the Fully Built Out Certification of its NEVI guidance. The revisions provide more flexibility so states can begin working on EV charging infrastructure beyond their Alternative Fuel Corridors—accelerating progress in building out their EV charging networks. The revisions expand criteria for “creditable” electric vehicle charging stations for States to qualify for fully built out certification; and clarify eligibility for Level 2, medium- and heavy-duty, and off-corridor EV charging infrastructure projects after achieving fully built out certification. 

Hydrogen-Powered Heavy-Duty Truck Establishes New Threshold by Traveling 1,800 Miles on a Single Fill

Accelera by Cummins, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, has set a new Guinness World Record. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) announced a recent groundbreaking achievement in hydrogen-powered transportation: a prototype H2Rescue truck, built and powered by Accelera with funding support from DOE and other federal agency partners, has established a new world record by traveling 1,806 miles on a single fill of hydrogen fuel. Powered by a Cummins Accelera fuel cell engine and a 250-kilowatt traction motor, the truck drove through California carrying 175 kilograms of hydrogen and consumed 168 kilograms while navigating rush hour traffic between 50 to 55 mph, on public roads, and operating in temperatures varying from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Accelera researchers confirmed that over the 1,800-mile trip, the hydrogen-filled truck emitted zero pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2), a stark contrast to the 664 pounds of CO2 a standard internal combustion engine vehicle would have emitted over the same distance. Learn More.

Funding Opportunities

2024 EPA Clean School Bus Rebate

The 2024 Clean School Bus Rebate Program is accepting applications through January 9th, 2025, at 4PM ET. The EPA anticipates awarding up to $965 million to fund new, zero-emission and clean school buses.

Clean Bus Planning Awards Program

The Clean Bus Planning Awards (CBPA) program is open and accepting applications from school and transit bus fleets.

CBPA recipients receive free assistance to help create customized bus electrification transition plans. Fleets eligible for the EPA Clean School Bus & FTA Low-No funding programs are generally eligible to apply.

Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas FY24

$400 million
Concept papers due Feb. 27, 2025.

This funding opportunity will include federal awards from $2 million to $50 million to help communities lead in developing tailored clean energy projects best suited for their unique needs.

Eligible projects must address at least one of the following:

  • Improving overall cost-effectiveness of energy generation, transmission, or distribution systems; siting or upgrading transmission and distribution lines

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy generation in rural or remote areas

  • Providing or modernizing electric generation facilities

  • Developing microgrids

  • Increasing energy efficiency. 

Transmission Acceleration Grants Program

$10 million
Apply by Jan. 21, 2025.

This program will support state and Tribal efforts to accelerate and improve transmission siting and permitting and strengthen transmission planning for critical transmission lines (100 kV or greater) in any area of the country.

Eligible participants are state or Tribal entities or entities working with them, such as regional transmission planning organizations, regional-state committees, or not-for-profit organizations.

Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development—2025

$25 million
Applications due Jan. 23.

Under this funding opportunity announcement (FOA), the Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional corporations and Village corporations, intertribal organizations, and Tribal energy development organizations, to:

  1. Conduct clean energy planning

  2. Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology

  3. Conduct clean energy design and development activities.

DOE expects to make approximately $25 million of federal funding available under this FOA, with approximately 20–40 awards that range from $100,000 to $2,500,000.

VSCCC strives to provide alternative fuel information to all people within our region. In order to increase our outreach abilities we are working with local agencies to share our newsletter and clean fuel resources with an even greater audience. We are proud to partner with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Air Quality Department, ASU's Sustainable Cities Network and Maricopa County Air Quality Department.


Translations done by Diego Montemayor- Diego@cleanairaz.org


November 2024

In This Issue

  • Clean Cities & Communities New Director Training

  • Funding Opportunities

  • ChargeWest Electric Highway Project

  • Events

  • Member Spotlight: ASU Sustainable Cities Network

VSCCC Director Don Covert and Co-Director Brenna Covert

VSCCC board members and members on panel. From left to right, Scott Chandler (City of Phoenix), Andy Rhea (Southwest Gas), Tim Tiger (Southwest Gas), Scott Brandeberry (Lancer Energy)

Clean Cities & Communities New Director Training

Last month, Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition was proud to help host The Clean Cities and Communities New Director Training Conference here in Phoenix. The 2 day event brought new Clean Cities directors and co-directors together to learn the basics of running a coalition and to network and learn from their peers.

We started the event with a tour of the Li-Cycle Battery Recycling Facility for the event organizers. Representatives from the National Energy Labs, Department of Energy and other fellow Clean Cities Coalitions got a personal tour of the state of the art facility. Our board Chairman, Mike Heath from SRP, was kind enough to provide transportation for our whole group. Thank you Mike!

After the tour, we were happy to be one of several peer presenters at the event. We had a wonderful time sharing how we run our coalition and giving the new directors helpful tips and tricks. We were also lucky to be able to bring some our board members and stakeholders with us to the event. Our board members Scott Chandler from the city of Phoenix and Andy Rhea from Southwest Gas, each gave a presentation explaining what their organizations are doing with alternative fuels.They also graciously agreed to sit on a panel with our other members and talk to the participants about their work with our coalition. Thank you so much to our panel members, Andy Rhea, Scott Chandler, Tim Tiger, and Scott Brandeberry for volunteering your time to give your insight to our new directors!

The event was a success and participants left with new knowledge, useful insights and contacts that will help them as they begin work in their own coalitions. Every time we attend these kind of events, we are reminded just what an amazing group of people the Clean Cities and Communities Network is made up of. Everyone in the organization is incredibly supportive of each other and passionate about what they do. VSCCC couldn’t ask to be a part of a better group of people and we look forward to participating in more Clean Cities events in the future.

Learn more about the National Clean Cities and Communities Network by visiting the website. https://cleancities.energy.gov/coalitions/

Funding Opportunities

Transmission Acceleration Grants Program

The Transmission Acceleration Grants Program will support state and Tribal efforts to accelerate and improve transmission siting and permitting and strengthen transmission planning for critical transmission lines (100 kV or greater) in any area of the country. Eligible participants are state or Tribal entities, or entities working with them such as regional transmission planning organizations, regional-state committees, or not-for-profit organizations.

Applications due by Jan. 21, 2025.

Community Microgrid Assistance Partnership

The Community Microgrid Assistance Partnership technical assistance and funding opportunity is focused on electrically isolated and underserved communities in Alaska, Hawaii, as well as on Tribal lands in the Great Plains and Southwest. Participants can plan a resilient microgrid system, make improvements on an existing system, build workforce capacity, or add renewable energy.

Applications due by Dec. 20, 2024

Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development

Under the Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development FOA, the Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations, to:

  1. Conduct clean energy planning

  2. Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology

  3. Conduct clean energy design and development activities.

DOE expects to make approximately $25 million of federal funding available under this FOA, with approximately 20–40 awards that range from $100,000 to $2,500,000.

Utility and Grid Operator Technical Assistance

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is offering utilities and grid operators four new opportunities to accelerate clean energy and transmission deployment in communities nationwide. With support from top national laboratories, including the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), utilities and grid operators can access a range of support options, from informational webinars to multi-year guidance from subject matter experts, along with exclusive access to national lab facilities. Four new custom technical assistance opportunities are now available: 

1. Key Assist: up to $1 million in technical assistance over 2 years. Applications are due by Nov. 26, 2024. 

2. Interconnection Assistance: $100,000–$150,000 per project for 1 year, focusing on short to medium-term solutions. Applications are due by Nov. 26, 2024.  

3. Rolling Technical Assistance: up to 100 hours of subject matter expertise from NREL and other DOE labs. Applications are accepted at any time. 

4. Utility Planning Resources for Energy Transition webinar series: Starting in November, weekly presentations will be offered to address challenges in the evolving energy landscape, complete with expert discussions and Q&A. Sign up to receive email invitations for upcoming webinars.

APS EV Fleet Advisory Service Program

APS recently started a new Fleet Advisory Services program specifically to support qualifying commercial and municipal fleets in APS territory. This is a no-cost advisory service that provides insightful information for consideration, whether cities are actively looking into EVs or just interested in understanding their potential to convert their fleet at some point in the future. There is no obligation to make the conversion post-service – program participation provides an opportunity to gain information and custom-tailored recommendations for your fleet.

SRP Electric Vehicle Chargers & Fleet Electrification Program

Salt River Project (SRP) offers a comprehensive Fleet Electrification Assessment program. SRP fleet electrification experts will review current fleets, help develop an EV conversion roadmap, create a custom analysis, discuss recommendations on EV’s and provide rebates.

ChargeWest Electric Highway Project

VSCCC is pleased to announce that we are participating in the Department of Energy funded ChargeWest project. ChargeWest is an EV corridor collaborative across eight states in the Intermountain West region. Project participants are committed to improving electric corridors throughout rural gateway communities, state and national parks, and scenic byways. The states involved are Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. This project aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions along heavily traveled routes while enhancing access to scenic byways and national parks. We look forward to working with our western state neighbors to improve electric charging infrastructure along the routes that connect our states as well as along our state’s beautiful scenic byways.


Clean Fuels Conference

January 20-23, 2025. San Diego, California

The Clean Fuels Conference connects key players of the biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel industry for one can’t-miss event. Clean fuels for land, sea and sky come together for a week of expert sessions, exhibits and showcases. Attendees include clean fuels producers and marketers, distributors, feedstock providers, fleet managers, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), ESG officers and members of the media.

Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition is proud to have ASU’s Sustainable Cities Network as a partner. The ASU Sustainable Cities Network connects ASU’s research and technical capabilities in sustainability with the challenges facing cities, towns, and Tribal communities across Arizona. The network is a way for communities to share knowledge, identify best practices, and coordinate efforts to better understand and solve local issues. Learn more about ASU’s Sustainable Cities Network on their website. https://globalfutures.asu.edu/sustainable-cities/

VSCCC strives to provide alternative fuel information to all people within our region. In order to increase our outreach abilities we are working with local agencies to share our newsletter and clean fuel resources with an even greater audience. We are proud to partner with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Air Quality Department, ASU's Sustainable Cities Network and Maricopa County Air Quality Department.


Translations done by Diego Montemayor- Diego@cleanairaz.org


September 2024

In This Issue

  • Clean Cities and Communities National Workshop

  • Maricopa County Awarded CFI Grant

  • National Drive Electric Week

  • Member Spotlight: Maricopa County Air Quality Department

National Clean Cities and Communities Training Workshop

This September 10-12th was the Clean Cities and Communities National Training Workshop. This annual meeting brings the national network of Clean Cities Coalition Directors together with DOE and National Laboratory representatives to network and learn from each other. Both VSCCC’s Director and Co-Director were happy to be able to attend the 3 day workshop held in St. Paul, Minnesota. The workshop was filled with informative break out sessions and stories of successful alternative fuel projects from our fellow coalitions. The event was a wonderful way for directors to share ideas and solutions with each other and a great opportunity to connect with friends both old and new. The Clean Cities and Communities network is full of amazing and dedicated individuals that are all working hard to help their regions achieve clean energy goals. We at the Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition are proud to be a part of this great network and we look forward to another successful workshop next year!

Maricopa County Air Quality Awarded Grant for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Maricopa County Air Quality Department has been awarded a $15 million as part of the Department of Transportation’s Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant Program. This program provides funding to strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure. Maricopa County Air Quality Department will use the awarded funds to support its Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Improvement Project. The project will increase the number of EV charging stations throughout Maricopa County to make charging more accessible and encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. The project will also include extensive community education and outreach to inform consumers on the importance clean transportation technologies. Find electric vehicle resources on Maricopa County Air Quality Departments website.

National Drive Electric Week - Sept 27-Oct 6, 2024

National Drive Electric Week, Sep 27-Oct 6, 2024, is a nationwide celebration to raise awareness of the many benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. As part of National Drive Electric Week, the city of Phoenix’s Office of Sustainability is hosting several informational webinars as well as a large EV Ride and Drive Event in partnership with Drive Electric Arizona. Event and webinar details below.

Phoenix EV Ride and Drive Event

Saturday, September 28, 2024

8 AM-12PM

North Phoenix Baptist Church

5757 North Central Avenue

Phoenix AZ 85012

Come drive an electric vehicle for yourself and learn all about EV’s from vehicle owners. There will be many EV’s on display and a large variety available for ride and drives. Additionally, there will be informational displays from event organizers and sponsors, including Valley of the Sun EVA, SRP, Wells Fargo, Electrify Arizona, Streamline Solar, San Tan Ford, American Lung Assocation and others. This is a great way to become informed about what you can do as a consumer and resident to improve the quality of life for your family and community. This free Ride and Drive is presented by DRIVE Electric ArizonaValley of the Sun Electric Vehicle AssociationCity of Phoenix Office of SustainabilitySalt River Project (SRP), and Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition.

Electric Vehicle Webinars

Overcoming Range Anxiety Webinar

October 1, 2024

6:00 PM Arizona Time

Are you an electric vehicle (EV) owner or considering becoming one? Worried about long-distance travel? Join this free webinar to learn how to overcome range anxiety and make your road trips a breeze!

Ev ownership- cost benefits and incentives webinar

October 3, 2024

6:00 PM Arizona Time

Curious about owning an electric vehicle (EV)? Wondering how much you can save and what incentives are available? Join this free webinar to get insights from experienced EV owners and learn everything you need to know about making the switch!

Maricopa County Air Quality Department works to improve air quality of Maricopa County through multiple different incentives and programs. One of these is the Arizona Clean Diesel Program which utilizes the EPA’s DERA (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) to provide grants for the updating or replacing of old diesel vehicles with new cleaner versions.  

VSCCC strives to provide alternative fuel information to all people within our region. In order to increase our outreach abilities we are working with local agencies to share our newsletter and clean fuel resources with an even greater audience. We are proud to partner with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Air Quality Department, ASU's Sustainable Cities Network and Maricopa County Air Quality Department.


Translations done by Diego Montemayor- Diego@cleanairaz.org


August 2024

In This Issue

  • Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel

  • ADOT NEVI EV Charging Sites Awarded

  • Funding and Webinars

  • Member Spotlight: City of Phoenix

Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel

Hydrogen is an emerging alternative fuel that has the potential to drastically cut transportation emissions. When used as the source of energy in fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) hydrogen produces only air and water as byproducts, so these vehicles emit zero harmful tailpipe emissions. Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles are also two to three times more efficient than an internal combustion engine running on gasoline.

Hydrogen is an abundant element and can be found stored in water, hydrocarbons such as methane, and other organic materials. In order to use hydrogen as a fuel it must be extracted from these sources.

Currently the most common and cost effective source of hydrogen is natural gas. The hydrogen is extracted from the natural gas in a process called steam reforming. This process uses the reaction of natural gas with high temperature steam to create a mixture of gases that includes hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a small amount of carbon dioxide. The hydrogen is then extracted from this mixture of gases. Natural gas reforming using steam accounts for the majority of hydrogen produced in the United States annually. Hydrogen can also be produced from water through a more energy intensive process called electrolysis. In this process, an electric current splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.

While hydrogen has the potential to be an emission free transportation fuel, it has yet to become cost effective for this use. This is due to the high cost of its extraction, production and distribution. Currently almost all the hydrogen produced in the United States each year is used for refining petroleum, treating metals, producing fertilizer, or processing foods. Extensive research and development projects are being conducted by government and industry to try to improve extraction techniques and technology and reduce the production and distribution cost of hydrogen. Once costs are reduced, hydrogen could become a viable fuel option for vehicles.

To learn more about hydrogen, visit the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office website.

Awards Announced for ADOT Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has announced awards for the construction or upgrading of EV charging stations at 18 sites along Arizona’s designated interstate highways. These awards are part of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program and ADOT’s 2022 EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment Plan.

The objective of NEVI is to create a nationwide network of fast chargers along the highways to facilitate long-distance travel for electric vehicles. Stations must be placed up to 50 miles apart and must be located within one mile of the highway. Each station must include at least four DC level 3, 150kW fast chargers, which will charge electric vehicles in approximately 30 minutes or less.

The 18 sites awarded are along I-10, I-8, I-40, I-17 and I-19. ADOT will ensure the stations meet NEVI requirements but will not own the stations. Additional EV fast charger stations will be constructed on other designated EV corridors in Arizona in the future. ADOT expects to issue requests for proposals for stations identified in their 2023 and 2024 EV plans by Spring 2025.

For more information about the EV plan visit AZDOT.gov/EVPlan.


Notice of Intent for Tribal Clean Energy Funding

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy issued two Notices of Intent (NOIs) to release a combined $30 million in Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) later this summer. DOE anticipates issuing the following two Tribal energy funding opportunities in late summer 2024.

  1. Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development

This planned FOA will solicit applications for the planning, assessment, and development of clean energy projects on Tribal buildings or Tribal lands, to:  

  1. Conduct Tribal clean energy planning

  2. Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology on Tribal lands, or

  3. Conduct clean energy project design and development activities for deployment on Tribal buildings or Tribal lands.

Under the planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy anticipates making approximately $25 million available with awards that range from $100,000 to $2,500,000. 

A 10% recipient cost share is anticipated to be required under the planned FOA. However, the Office of Indian Energy may provide an opportunity for eligible applicants to request a cost share reduction from 10% to 0% based on poverty rate and median household income of the Tribal community relative to the statewide median household income. 

Download the NOI (DE-FOA-0003400) for Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development – 2025.

2. Tribal Colleges and Universities Planning for Clean Energy Transition

This planned FOA intends to provide financial support to TCUs to plan the transition of their campuses to clean energy. Under the planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy anticipates making approximately $5 million available with awards that range from $100,000 to $250,000 for planning grants. No recipient cost share is anticipated under the planned FOA.

Download the NOI (DE-FOA-3402) for Tribal Colleges and Universities Planning for Clean Energy Transition – 2025. 

Battery Technology Funding Opportunity

EERE’s Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) is offering $43 million to fund projects that advance battery improvement. The funding will drive breakthroughs in low-cost electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing, improve battery safety, and strengthen the domestic EV supply chain. Concept papers due by September 9 and full applications are due by October 30.


EV Incentives with Utilities

Thursday, September 12, 2024

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM MST

In this presentation, representatives from Arizona utility companies will discuss the various incentives available for electric vehicle (EV) owners. They will highlight rebates, charging infrastructure support, and other benefits designed to encourage the adoption of EVs in the state. This session is an opportunity for attendees to learn how they can save on costs while supporting sustainable transportation.

VSCCC is proud to have the City of Phoenix as a member of our coalition. As one of the largest and fastest growing cities in the USA, Phoenix is a great place to live, work and visit. The city is also a leader in alternative fuel use and sustainable practices. The City of Phoenix was awarded the Top Green Fleet of 2023 Award from the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA). The City’s fleet includes vehicles that run on a variety of alternative fuels including CNG, RNG, Biodiesel, Ethanol and Electricity.

VSCCC strives to provide alternative fuel information to all people within our region. In order to increase our outreach abilities we are working with local agencies to share our newsletter and clean fuel resources with an even greater audience. We are proud to partner with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Air Quality Department, ASU's Sustainable Cities Network and Maricopa County Air Quality Department.


Translations done by Diego Montemayor- Diego@cleanairaz.org
